How will I know whether my order has been shipped?

When you place an order on FantasyFashion, we’ll send you an Email confirmation to let you know when it’s been shipped and is headed on its way to you.

How can I check on my order’s delivery status?

To check the delivery status of your order, You can log into Fantasyfashion, visit the My Order page on Fantasyfashion and type in your order number. We cannot determine exact delivery time, but we can tell you if your order has been shipped, and whether any problems with it have been reported to us. For more specific delivery details, please refer to your order.

What does it mean when I’m told my order is processing, ReadyToPick, cancelled?

Processing means we’ve received your order and are in the process of filling it.

ReadyToPick means we’ve filled this portion of your order. It’s on the delivery truck and will be delivered soon.

Cancelled means the order was cancelled by either the customer or by Fantasyfashion . A Customer Service Representative from Fantasyfashion will be contacting you with more details.

What is your delivery policy?

An estimated delivery date will be provided after your order is placed. These dates vary due to carrier shipping practices, delivery location and the items you order. Orders may be delivered in separate shipments. You will be notified of the estimated delivery date in a Email.

Shipping & Handling Delays, damage or loss of packages during shipping are the sole responsibility of the carrier providing shipping services. Fantasyfashion will not be held responsible for any delays, damage or loss of packages caused during shipping. Fantasyfashion will not be liable for any claims of loss of business or damages due to shipping delays or damage. Each carrier has limited damage liabilities normally at a maximum claim of order amount per shipment. Incorrect Address Supplied by Customer When a package is returned to Fantasyfashion due to an error made by the customer in submitting the proper shipping address, Fantasyfashion will reship the package with corrected address and charge an additional shipping fee for the shipment.

What are my delivery options?

You can have your items delivered to your home or office by courier or parcel.

How much does it cost to have something delivered?

Free delivery is not available for any orders.

Shipping Duration?

Shipping duration will be 2-6 working days.

Company Contacts :

Regarding any product issues, the company and the customer shall communicate only through the official company email id and Contact number.

Email Address :

Mobile Number:8670417987